More Than a Box: Effective Training of Cleanroom Personnel for Long-Term Sustainability
No matter how pharmacy cleanrooms are configured and developed, they all serve the same objective, which is to provide an aseptic environment that will protect and secure compounded sterile preparations as well as the pharmacy staff operating within those spaces.
Nevertheless, even the best designed pharmacy cleanrooms will not be successful unless the compounding work force is accurately trained to conduct appropriate behaviors and perform proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
What are Best Cleanroom Maintenance Training Practices to Include?
Thorough cleanroom gowning & garbing requirements/procedures to avoid personnel contamination.
Ensuring the correct and effective cleanroom supplies in the cleanroom setting.
Training on behavioral standards to avoid carelessness and ignorance to cleanroom cleaning.
The key objective behind developing and sustaining a contamination-free pharmaceutical cleanroom is to achieve appropriate staff behaviors and microbiological cleanliness levels throughout the environment.
ProPharma Cleanrooms understands these values which is why our team of regulatory experts incorporate staff training into our buildout process. 100% cleanroom compliance is more than a physical design and build. A well trained staff and maintained cleanroom environment means safer product output to your patients.
Check out short training tutorial video below of the gowning and garbing within the Ante-Room of your cleanroom suite: